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Tag: make sense definition
fun & authentic examples from the culture to help u understand, remember and apply MAKE SENSE correctly
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ejemplos divertidos y auténticos de la cultura para ayudarte a comprender, recordar y aplicar correctamente MAKE SENSE
- haz click en uno de los posts abajo
- busca MAKE SENSE en el post
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puedes leer richyrocks.com en tu idioma utilizando “translate this site to your language” que aparece hasta el fondo de la página en móvil o en la barra a la derecha de la página en desktop]
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Richy Rocks (@richy_rocks) the mexico city capitanes made their debut (first game) in the g league…
toluca lyric is back! toluca lyric 7 is an analysis of the lyrics of lil nas x‘s hit of the year, old town road. lil…
in on cnet, steven musil says this about google doodles for almost as long as google has been around, it’s livened up its barebones search…
major league baseball 2019 is ON. here’s an elt perspective on the new season, courtesy of pitcher yu darvish who signed a big contract with…
an interesting perspective on the idiom was revealed during a recent interview with guy pearce on the empire film podcast. pearce was asked if he…
the latest addition to — mexican slang in english!!! slang is informal language. at :35, this example of hypothetical english () observes that though mexico & the u.s.…