basketball hero lebron james is participating in his fourth olympic games. as the youtube short above indicates, his first participation was in athens in 2004. …
Tag: shall definition
fun & authentic examples from the culture to help u understand, remember and apply SHALL correctly
- click on a post below
- search SHALL on the post with find in page (ctrl/cmd F)
ejemplos divertidos y auténticos de la cultura para ayudarte a comprender, recordar y aplicar correctamente SHALL
- haz click en uno de los posts abajo
- busca SHALL en el post con buscar en la página (ctrl/cmd F)
[u can read in your language using “translate this site to your language” which appears at the bottom of the page on mobile or in the bar to the right of the page on desktop
puedes leer en tu idioma utilizando “translate this site to your language” que aparece hasta el fondo de la página en móvil o en la barra a la derecha de la página en desktop]
doesn’t know/can’t tell come here from sick ’em is an idiom used to indicate that someone is confused or just plain stupid. come here/sick…
@richyrocksenglish for much more #english#vocabulary and a cool playlist visit & search checo. #fypシ #englishcoach #englishteacher #vocabularioeninglés #clasedeingles #englishclass #englishlesson #englishpractice #checoperez #helmutmarko #lebron…
should in the past (aka third conditional) frequently indicates a mistake, for more examples of clever, shit and…
americans gathering together in public to shout “build the wall!” might be the most embarrassing image associated with donald trump’s efforts to make america great again.…